Adjustments to the Pension Fund regulations with effect from April 1, 2024
New Pension Fund regulations
As a result of the integration of Credit Suisse into UBS, some minor adjustments to the Pension Fund regulations will take effect on April 1, 2024.
Unpaid leave (Art. 16(8))
Insured who are on unpaid leave will still be credited with monthly savings contributions even after day 31. Previously, from day 31 onward insured were only insured with regard to death and disability benefits. The amount of the savings contributions depends on the contribution option selected. This can be adjusted monthly via MyPension.
Continuation of pension coverage (Art. 36bis)
In the event of a reduction in the level of employment of between 30% and 70%, insured may request for pension coverage to be continued based on the previous salary subject to contributions for a maximum of one year.
Waiver of contributions in the event of disability (Art. 57)
For insured working for a Credit Suisse company that has not yet been integrated into the UBS Group, the obligation to pay contributions will continue to be waived from the second year in the event of inability to work. In the case of insured who have been transferred to a UBS entity, the provisions of the UBS Employment Regulations pertaining to continuing salary payments and daily benefits under sickness or accident insurance will apply.