
Purchase of Pension Benefits until 1st December

On your MyPension portal, you have received a letter with payment slip under "Documents and Forms."

Log in to MyPension to see the maximum benefits you may purchase under the various pension pots of the Pension Fund (you can find further information about the MyPension portal on the website under MyPension). The final date for personal purchases is December 1.

Purchasing Options for Pension Capital Savings

If your pensionable base salary together with the cash portion of your Award is up to CHF 98,700, you are insured under the pension capital savings (pension capital and pension capital supplementary account pension pots). If you are eligible to purchase additional benefits, you will receive an overview of your individual purchasing options.

Payments into pension capital savings increase your retirement savings capital and thus your retirement pension, but have no effect on the amount of disability pension. This is based on your pensionable salary in the Pension Fund. The accrued retirement savings capital and any personal payments into the Pension Fund do not affect the amount available for the disability pension, nor do any advance withdrawals under the promotion of home ownership or transfers due to divorce.

Purchasing Options for Retirement Capital Savings
If your pensionable salary together with the pensionable cash portion of the Award exceeds CHF 98,700, you are also insured under the retirement capital savings (retirement capital and retirement capital supplementary account pension pots). Assets in the capital-accumulating pension pots are paid out exclusively as a lump sum when you retire. If you are eligible to purchase additional benefits, you will receive an overview of your individual purchasing options.

Payment Terms and Payment Deadline
The letter with the payment slip contains the account number for payments into the Pension Fund as well as your personal reference number. According to the regulations, the final date for personal purchases by the insured is always December 1. Purchases credited to the wrong account or not received by the Pension Fund until after December 1 do not qualify for processing in the relevant tax period.


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