
Personal Insurance Certificate Now Available in MyHR

Your personal insurance certificate from the Pension Fund is now available for download in MyHR under "Pension & Insurance Benefits" in the "Pay & Benefits" tab. This can be accessed via the Credit Suisse Intranet.

Insurance certificates for pension capital savings and retirement capital savings
If your pensionable salary amounts to CHF 98,700 when combined with the pensionable cash portion of the Award, your total remuneration is insured exclusively in pension capital savings (pension capital and pension capital supplementary account pension pots). The resulting benefits can be found on the insurance certificate for pension capital savings. The detailed information on the insurance certificate for pension capital savings will help you classify the items listed in the insurance certificate more easily.

If your total pensionable remuneration amounts to more than CHF 98,700, it is divided between pension capital savings (pension capital and pension capital supplementary account pension pots) and retirement capital savings (retirement capital and retirement capital supplementary account pension pots).A separate insurance certificate for retirement capital savings is entered in MyHR which shows the relevant pension benefits.

Do you have any questions concerning the insurance certificate?
Consult the "Detailed Information on the Insurance Certificate" brochure for an explanation of the key specialist terms and pension benefits and/or contact your pensions advisor at the Pension Fund.

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