
2020 interest rate for the Pension Fund

The interest rate for Pension Fund assets is 2.25% for 2020.

The Board of Trustees has set the interest rate for the pension capital savings pension pot at 2.25% for 2020. At the same time, it defined a prospective interest rate of 1.0% for 2021. The prospective interest rate determines the intrayear interest on retirement savings capital.

The primary goal of the Board of Trustees is to maintain the financial stability of the Pension Fund sustainably and for the long term. In 2020, the Board of Trustees decided to further strengthen the risk ability and stability of the Pension Fund by making a strategic increase in the fluctuation reserve from 16% to 20%. This target was achieved in 2020 thanks to the very pleasing performance of an estimated 6.1% (as of January 5, 2021). The funding ratio is approximately 120% (end of 2020) compared with 116.4% as of the end of 2019. This means that the Pension Fund is very well positioned to handle future challenges. 


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