
2016 Election to the Board of Trustees: Elected Employee Representatives Introduce Themselves

Every four years, the employees of Credit Suisse Group elect their representatives to the Board of Trustees. Numerous employees took this opportunity to cast an electronic vote for the candidate of their choice.

Out of a total of 17,477 eligible voters, 5,997 actually voted. This number corresponds to a total voter participation of 34.3%. At 43.8%, voter participation was highest in French-speaking Switzerland, followed by employees in the constituency of affiliated companies, at 43.4%. In Ticino, 37.1% of employees voted, compared to 32.4% in German-speaking Switzerland. The candidates who received the most votes were elected to the Board of Trustees.

The following four constituencies took part in the elections to the Board of Trustees:

  • Constituency 1: Credit Suisse German-Speaking Switzerland
  • Constituency 2: Credit Suisse French-Speaking Switzerland
  • Constituency 3: Credit Suisse Ticino
  • Constituency 4: Companies Affiliated to Credit Suisse

Elected Employee Representatives Employees in German-speaking Switzerland elected two employee representatives from a total of 27 candidates. In Ticino, the representative elected was the sole candidate, whereas in French-speaking Switzerland and at affiliated companies, one representative was chosen from four candidates in each case. The employees of Credit Suisse Group elected the employee representatives listed below to the Board of Trustees. They will assume their posts following final approval of the 2016 Annual Report of the Pension Fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland). This is expected to take place in April 2017.

Employee Representatives, Term of Office 2017–2020  

Thomas Isenschmid, Employee Representative for German-Speaking Switzerland"I am delighted to have been elected. On the one hand, I see it as recognition of the work I have done so far, but on the other hand also as a clear mandate to actively help shape the future of the Pension Fund." Thomas Isenschmid has been working for Credit Suisse for more than 20 years. He has served on the Board of Trustees of the Pension Fund for many years in a variety of functions, including most recently as Vice President of the Board of Trustees and as Head of the Pension Fund's own Audit Committee. Through his daily work with institutional clients in Switzerland, he is well acquainted with the circumstances and the challenges facing pension funds. He therefore knows both sides, that of the Board of Trustees and that of a product specialist for pension funds within the bank. In his spare time, Thomas Isenschmid enjoys sporting activities and, in particular, travel and reading.
Daniel Ammon, Employee Representative for German-Speaking Switzerland"I am very pleased about the many positive reactions to my election to the Board of Trustees. I would like to thank everyone very much for their support. I am looking forward to the new challenge and responsibility with enthusiasm, but also with the necessary respect." Daniel Ammon joined Credit Suisse in 2005. Since 2007, he has been working in investment advisory services, having previously occupied various project-related roles in Private Banking. He is currently responsible for the institutional client business in Region Mittelland and, together with his team in Bern, serves Swiss pension funds and insurance companies. He studied telecommunications at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and completed an MBA at the IE Business School in Madrid in 2004. He is also a CFA charterholder. Daniel Ammon is married and father of one daughter. Most of all he enjoys spending his free time with his family, but he also greatly enjoys taking to his skis or racing bike – and regularly takes the time to brew a good espresso.
Jean-Noël Granges, Employee Representative for French-Speaking Switzerland"Many thanks to all the employees in French-speaking Switzerland who placed their trust in me. I am delighted to be representing the interests of the insured on the Board of Trustees." Jean-Noël Granges has worked for Credit Suisse for the whole of his professional life to date. After a banking apprenticeship in Sion and three years of work experience at the Zurich stock exchange, he held various positions dealing with institutional clients in French-speaking Switzerland and managed this area of activity in Credit Suisse for almost ten years. He then assumed various responsibilities for private clients business in Valais, his native region. He is currently an Expert RM P&WMC at Credit Suisse Sion. Jean-Noël Granges is married and has two children. He devotes a lot of his spare time to various cultural and sporting associations in his home region, and also enjoys reading, skiing, and going for very long mountain bike rides.
Massimiliano Tagliabue, Employee Representative for Ticino"I would like to thank the voters in Canton Ticino for the trust they have placed in me. As a member of the Board of Trustees I will endeavor to represent the interests of all the insured in the numerous challenges facing our Pension Fund." Massimiliano Tagliabue joined Credit Suisse in 2009. He initially worked as a financial planner and since 2012 has been in charge of the Wealth Planning team for Region Ticino, providing clients with financial planning, inheritance, and tax advice. In his free time, he enjoys various sporting activities, including running and ski-touring.
Thomas Vögeli, Employee Representative for Companies Affiliated to Credit Suisse"A big thank you! I was delighted with the election result and I am highly motivated to represent employee interests on the Board of Trustees over the coming years." Thomas Vögeli began an apprenticeship in commercial banking at Neue Aargauer Bank in Brugg in 1998. After the apprenticeship, he studied business administration at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland and subsequently trained as a Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA). In his professional career, Thomas Vögeli remained loyal to NAB, where he worked as an Investment Consultant from 2006 to 2011. In 2011, he moved to Portfolio Management at NAB and has since managed mandates of private and institutional clients. In his leisure time he does a lot of sport and can be found playing squash or badminton in winter and tennis in summer.


If a member of the Board of Trustees resigns from his or her post during the term of office, a replacement member will join the Board, as stipulated in the election regulations. Replacement Board members serve the remainder of their predecessor's term of office. Replacement members (employee representatives) for the 2017–2020 term include:

  • Rhea Jaeggi (German-Speaking Switzerland)
  • Daniel Egli (German-Speaking Switzerland)
  • Marc Buttex (French-Speaking Switzerland)
  • In Ticino, there is no replacement member. If necessary, the Staff Council is responsible for appointing a successor.
  • Thomas Bärlocher (Companies Affiliated to Credit Suisse)

The Staff Council has confirmed Martin Klaus as the Employee Representative for Retired Persons. The Executive Board of Credit Suisse will appoint the employer representatives for the 2017-2020 term of office at the beginning of 2017.

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