
Performance as of the End of December 2019

The Pension Fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland) posted a performance of 0.80% in December. Its overall performance for the year to the end of December 2019 is 11.28%.

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Interest rate of 2.25% for 2019

The Board of Trustees has set the interest rate for the pension capital savings and retirement capital savings pension pots at 2.25% for 2019. At the same time, it has approved a prospective interest rate of 1% for 2020. The prospective interest rate determines the intrayear interest paid on retirement savings capital.

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Change to the Board of Trustees of the Pension Fund

Following the departure of employee representative Stéphane Che from the Board of Trustees, Daniel Egli will be taking on this position on the Board of Trustees of the Pension Fund and Pension Fund 2. Daniel Egli works as a financial planner in E&E and HNWI. He took up his duties on October 18, 2019.

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Pension Fund regulations 2020

Owing to the introduction of the 1e retirement capital savings plan, the Pension Fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland) will comprise two foundations from 2020: the Pension Fund for pension capital savings, and Pension Fund 2 for 1e retirement capital savings. Consequently, two separate sets of Pension Fund regulations will be introduced from next year.

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New retiree representative in the Board of Trustees of the Pension Fund

Effective October 1, 2019, Markus A. Beeler joins the Board of Trustees of the Pension Fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland) as retiree representative.

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Reminder: capital transfer option available until 30.09.2019

Insured with retirement capital savings (total compensation in excess of CHF 127,980) have a one-time option to transfer their assets accrued in the current retirement capital savings to the new 1e retirement capital savings or to the pension capital savings pot.

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1e retirement capital savings

There was a live webcast on August 22, 2019, in which Martin Wagner, Manager of the Pension Fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland), provided details on the features of the new 1e savings plan and its introduction.

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MyPension not available from August 20–22, 2019

Due to the installation of new software, the MyPension portal will be unavailable from Tuesday, August 20, until 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, August 22.

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Webcast on the introduction of 1e savings plans

There will be a live webcast on August 22, 2019, in which Martin Wagner, Manager of the Pension Fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland), will provide more details on the features of the new 1e savings plan and its introduction.

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Change to the Board of Trustees of the Pension Fund

Following the departure of Jean-Noël Granges from the Board of Trustees, Mr. Stéphane Che will replace him on the Board of Trustees of Pension Fund 1 and Pension Fund 2. Stéphane Che is a portfolio manager for institutional clients in Geneva. He will take up office on August 1, 2019.

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Other topics

Key figures

Key figures

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Board of trustees and committees

Board of trustees and committees

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