Investments Sustainability

Sustainability Reporting 2023

The core task of investing in the pension fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland) is the long-term generation of income to cover existing and future benefit commitments for the insured. The consideration of sustainability factors in the investment process is an inherent part of the fiduciary duty of care. In the sustainability report you can find out more about the sustainability activities in the pension fund's investments in 2023.

Sustainability at the Pension Fund

Based on the sustainability strategy, the pension fund divides the topic of sustainability into four components. You can get more information by clicking on the links.


  • Exclusion
  • Active Ownership
  • Integration
  • Dialogue and Collaboration
An oil rig in the sea


Exclusion of controversial companies and countries as well as companies from the coal sector.


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Close-up of two hands planting a seedling.

Active Ownership

Active corporate dialogue and exercise of ownership and voting rights.


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Identification of opportunities and risks related to ESG (environmental, social and governance).


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Dialogue and Collaboration

Global dialogue to develop and establish sustainable investment standards.


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